
Most & Least expensive Listings in SF

I usually get buyers looking for homes or condos well below the lowest possible prices in San Francisco, but thought it would be interesting to share the most expensive homes for sale, as well as the least expensive. Check out the following:

2845 Broadway. Remember Michael Douglas in "The Game" calling the cops and saying he lives in the "biggest house on Broadway. Well, I guess he was talking about this $65 million home. Interestingly enough it sold for $32 million in November 2002. The above link will only be active for 30 days, so if you're reading this late, drop me an email and I'll send you the new link.

Personally, I'd rather live in the most expensive Condo in the city at 990 Green St, #6. Check out those photos.

Now for the cheapest. This Studio apartment with no parking, 83 McAllister St #312 for $260,000. You'd get a golf course mansion in many States, but this puts you a block from busy Market Street in a closet size space.

The cheapest home, 74 Neptune Street, is a $449,000 fixer that is tenant occupied and is "subject to court confirmation".

So if you're looking for a Single Family Home under $500,000, you may have to look outside of San Francisco unless you want a problem property.

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